Knowledge GraphDigest

No-Code Knowledge Graph

by KgBase
April 3, 2020

3 min read

“Knowledge is a familiarity, awareness, or understanding of someone or something, such as facts, information, descriptions, or skills, which is acquired through experience or education by perceiving, discovering, or learning.” - Wikipedia “Knowledge” is a human-centric term as intelligent beings are inherently capable of understanding and interpreting facts and the relationship between them. The accumulation of this knowledge gained over time makes us able to establish new inferences and relat

What is a knowledge graph?

by KgBase
March 27, 2020

2 min read

We live in an age of data. Companies of all sizes are generating more data than ever, and  figuring out how to mine it for valuable business insights has become big business. But even advanced data analytics tools only reveal some of those insights, and few are capable of representing that data visually in a way anyone can understand. Collecting the data is the easy part, but gaining a real understanding of how these various data sets are connected is trickier. Being able to make those connect

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